Guidelines for patients to Paracetamol

Paracetamol is such an usual medicine that we usually take without a doctor’s consultation. However, until you have a thorough understanding of paracetamol medicine, this process is not safe.  Sriya Life Science as Paracetamol Bulk Drug Manufacturers and Paracetamol Injection Suppliers therefore provide important guidance for patient improvement in Paracetamol Medicine. Paracetamol in various forms …

Urinary Track Infections

 A urinary tract infection sometimes referred to as a blood infection, is usually caused somewhere along the urinary tract by bacterial infections. Infected areas are the following: Urethra – A tube through which urine is transmitted from the bladder of the body, and also conveys semen in male vertebrates. Bladder – where urine is stored…

Meropenem Injection Manufacturer in India

Meropenem Injection Manufacturer in India   In all types of medical amenities, the Meropenem Injections are used. One of the world’s most prominent injections by the WHO, Meropenem is usually and almost always used for the treatment of bacterial infection and disease. Meropenem’s approach is to apply both gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, but it also affects…

Is it a Virus or a Bacterial Infection?

Viruses produce viral infections, while bacteria cause bacterial infections. That is the simple part. Because both can produce fever and irritability, distinguishing between the two requires medical intervention. And the treatments differ greatly. Betty Staples, MD, a pediatrician, explains how to distinguish between the two forms of infections. Every day, parents bring their sick children…


Manufacturer of pharmaceutical products and research of new remedies

For most people, pharmaceutical development remains a huge mystery, and rightly so, because it is a very complex process. However; everyone benefits from the work Pharmaceutical Bulk Drugs Cargo Exporter and Manufacturer do when they shop in a drugstore for anything from antibiotic ointment for a cut, to strong prescription drugs for a disease. The…